The Girl Code

03-Aug-19 03:22 PM
Radhika Singhal

In life, there are certain rules we have to abide by. Don’t have the same crush as your bestie. Update her about the latest sale. You know, the important stuff. We all have that BFF we’ll treasure forever. In case you missed some rules, here is your small guide to The Girl Code:

Lift Each Other Up
Like the selfie, compliment the shoes, make her laugh when she's upset. 

Never Mute The Chat
A meme. A screenshot. Her telling you the latest gossip. You never know what you could be missing.

Always Say Yes To Happy Hour

Don’t Let Her Text Her Ex
Or at least laugh with her the morning after when you’re reading through the messages.

Like Everything On Her Instagram
Double tapping everywhere.

Always Split An Uber

Even if you live on opposite sides of town. 

instagram Image @Faballey